Shipping Policy

Shipping to the United States

Currently covering the entire contiguous United States, but not accept P.O.Box addresses, APO/FPO addresses, remote areas such as Alaska, Hawaii, and overseas addresses such as Puerto Rico and Guam. These postal codes cannot be shipped (the first 3 digits): 090-099, 340, 962-966, 006-009, 967-969, 995-999.

Shipping to Countries outside the United States

Shipping costs and shipping methods will vary, depending on the shipping policy of your country/region. We will try our best to satisfy every user who meets the transportation conditions and deliver the items to you in time.

Shipping Method

We have warehouse in US, UK, AU & DE. If the products you want are in stock in our overseas warehouse, it will take 3-7 business days, otherwise it will take 7-15 business days. Please allow an extra 1-2 business days for Rural delivery. During peak season, delivery times can be extended up to 5 days.

Country Shipping Time

Product in US/AU/UK/DE Warehouse   Product Not in US/AU/UK/DE Warehouse
US 3-7 Business Days                          7-15 Business Days
UK 3-7 Business Days                          7-15 Business Days
AU 3-7 Business Days                          7-15 Business Days
DE 3-7 Business Days                          7-15 Business Days
CA 7-15 Business Days
European Countries                              7-15 Business Days

Reference Shipping Cost
To From CA
CA         USD 410
AZ/UT/NM/CO/ID/WA/OR/NV         USD 435
LA/TX/OK          USD 465



          USD 500



          USD 510


The above shipping costs are for reference only. The actual shipping costs are subject to purchase.



Shipping Rate

For customers in the UK and EU countries, we may be responsible for 20% VAT. If you are located outside the EU and the UK, then you do not need to pay VAT.

After July 1, 2021, VAT will be applied to orders equal to or less than 150 Euros, which will be collected by the store. Customers do not need to pay additional fees when receiving the goods, while orders greater than 150 Euros will be subject to import value-added tax and customs duties. There is no need to pay VAT and customs duties during the checkout process, you need to pay them to the carrier at the time of delivery.

Delivery Time

The order will be processed within 1-2 business days. After the order is shipped, you should receive an email containing the order number, tracking number and logistics progress query. Normally it will take 7-15 working days or more to reach the final destination.

We will make every effort to deliver your package as soon as possible. Please make sure that all shipping information is correct. If you need to make changes to your order after placing an order, please contact us immediately. If the item has not been processed, we will do our best to accommodate your changes.